Re: A Comment from User Space

From: Chris Wright (chrisat_private)
Date: Tue Apr 24 2001 - 11:28:58 PDT

  • Next message: David Wagner: "Re: A Comment from User Space"

    * David Wagner (dawat_private) wrote:
    > >Right. And I'm saying that *THIS* is the time to at least think about
    > >defining a new, secure interface.
    > Good.  I, too, would be truly interested to hear of a solution, if you
    > find one.  By all means, I hope you will study the problem and try out
    > experimental solutions in your module.
    > But, in the meantime, I plead: don't mandate it on the rest of us
    > module-writers.  Remember that the general kernel patches are intended
    > to be mainstream, proven, non-research code.  All the experimental,
    > research-y policy stuff should go in the policy modules, according to
    > my interpetation of Linus's mandate for this project, and at the moment,
    > this new interface surely must belong in that category.
    > In other words, research on a new, secure interface appears to be outside
    > the scope of this mailing list, under my interpretation of its charter.
    > Providing suggestions of security_ops hooks that would be required to
    > support such an interface, on the other hand, appears to be directly in
    > line with the goals of the list, if I can presume to try to guess what
    > the list owners would say.
    Well put.  The whole purpose of this exercise is to abstract a common set of
    needs for security modules.  We have been largely focusing on existing
    projects since they clearly have well-researched concrete needs.  We are not
    interested in stiffling creativity, but pushing it into each module's
    policy domain.  We have enough work covering the needs of the existing
    projects ;-)
    linux-security-module mailing list

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