Re: intercepting system calls

From: Stephen Smalley (sdsat_private)
Date: Fri Apr 27 2001 - 12:06:08 PDT

  • Next message: Stephen Smalley: "Re: intercepting system calls"

    On 27 Apr 2001 talgat_private wrote:
    > So there is only few ways I know of to pass file descriptors between 
    > processes.
    > Through inheritance via. fork/clone.
    > Through shared descriptor tables via. clone.
    > Through descriptor passing via. sendmsg/recvmsg.
    > I don't see why these are "a lot of sloppy ways".
    On this point, I would tend to agree.  In SELinux, we weren't
    concerned with fork/clone itself, since we only change process
    security attributes on execve, but we did provide controls
    over file descriptor inheritance/sharing across execve and
    file descriptor transfer on sendmsg/recvmsg.  But we also
    provide controls on the use of descriptors on operations
    such as read and write.  I'll come back to that point below.
    > Why?, if you want to control access at the level of granularity provided
    > by normal unix permissions (read/write etc.) then simply controlling
    > access to descriptors is fine (again modulo stuff like core dumps). 
    > If you wish to provide finer grain control you can simply pass along more 
    > restricted capabilities, (for example socket or file descriptors that 
    > filter read/write based on content) and this can be implement via. 
    > the existing device driver interface, or by passing descriptors to 
    > user level processes which mediate access.
    I would have to disagree on this point.  In the papers and
    studies published on the predecessors of SELinux (see the papers and
    reports accessible via the links on,
    we've argued that capability-based systems are poorly suited for
    enforcing security policies.  Interposition by user-level processes
    merely extends the assurance burden to also include verifying
    that the user-level processes are also tamperproof, unbypassable,
    and correct.  And even if you implement kernel controls on file
    descriptor inheritance and transfer (as we did in SELinux), there
    are still the problems of revocation and traceability of access.
    Even the EROS people recognized the limitations of capability-based
    approaches in the conclusion to their '99 SOSP paper.  I think that in
    practice, real-world security policies seldom map well onto
    capability-based systems.  
    Stephen D. Smalley, NAI Labs
    linux-security-module mailing list

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