2.4.5 troubles

From: Chris Lundberg (clundberat_private)
Date: Thu May 31 2001 - 11:45:35 PDT

  • Next message: Chris Wright: "Re: 2.4.5 troubles"

    Just installed the 2.4.5 kernel and the appropriate lsm patch.  I'm having
    trouble initializing my module now (no trouble in 2.4.4)).  I've chased it
    down to:
    int register_security (struct security_operations *ops)
            if (verify(ops)) {
                    printk (KERN_INFO __FUNCTION__ " could not verify "
                            "security_operations structure.\n");
                    return -EINVAL;
    -->     if (security_ops != &dummy_security_ops) {
    -->              printk (KERN_INFO "There is already a security "
    -->                     "framework initialized, "
    -->                     __FUNCTION__ " failed.\n");
    -->             return -EINVAL;
    -->     }
            security_ops = ops;
            return 0 ;
    It is indeed returning -EINVAL.  I haven't a clue why.  Is there something
    that I am not doing that I should be, or something like that?  I wasn't
    aware that the changes from 2.4.4 to 2.4.5 were that much different...
    linux-security-module mailing list

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