Re: permissive vs. restrictive issue and solutions...

From: jmjonesat_private
Date: Wed Jun 06 2001 - 08:51:58 PDT

  • Next message: jmjonesat_private: "Where Are We?"

    On Wed, 6 Jun 2001, Bjorn Augustsson wrote:
    > On Wed, Jun 06, 2001 at 09:20:31AM -0400, jmjonesat_private wrote:
    > > On Wed, 6 Jun 2001, Jesse Pollard wrote:
    > > > 
    > > > Your first and second case are equivalent except where the
    > > > security_ops->p->inode_ops->permission call may return <0 or <= 0.
    > > > 
    > > > Why bother calling the function twice. The function will return either <0
    > > > or <= 0, and can determine on its own whether restritive or permissive
    > > > aspects are to be done.
    > > 
    > > First call is to security_ops->r... (the restrictive function) and the 
    > > second is to security_ops->p... (the permissive function) and I admit the 
    > > first version fell short of what I'd meant to say.  By separating the 
    > > functions and only listening to the result (NO or YES) that is inherent 
    > > in either, you clearly separate the two functions.
    > This seems to me like if could cause some problems.
    > Imagine this pseudocode for open:
    > open()
    > {
    >     if ( restrict_func(state) ) goto fail; 
    >     /* What if the state changes here? */
    >     if (  permit_func(state)  ) goto succecss;
    >     original-unix-dac-logic(state)
    >     ...
    >     sucess:
    >     ...
    >     fail:
    >     ...
    > }
    > Scenario: Chinese wall policy. I'm a consultant and I can't work on more than
    > one of the banks we have as customers. 
    > Permissive rule: Can read files in compartment banking.
    > Restrictive rule: Can't have access to more than one of the banks in 
    > compartment banking.
    > I was recently hired from a competing consulting firm, where I worked 
    > with bankB.
    > The file I'm trying to open is marked ( Compartment:banking, Project:bankA)
    > >From the beginning I have no special rights, and the open() will fail because
    > of the normal DAC permissions.
    > But between the restrict and permit calls the security admin assigns me the 
    > label (Compartment:banking, HasWorkedWith:bankB). 
    Hrm.  I was under the impression that code running in the kernel was
    somewhat "protected" from race conditions.  Perhaps I was mistaken....
    > What happens here is that I get to do something that violates _both_ the 
    > policy-states I have had. (The first one should have failed the DAC, the 
    > second one should have failed because I've worked on bankB.)
    > The checks must be atomic.
    I agree, and if it's possible to suspend the kernel and change data
    between the two calls, this is significant and I hadn't thought of it.
    > This can of course be arranged, but it means that the LSM must keep some 
    > kind of lock between the calls instead of just within one call if it had 
    > been just one function call.
    Well, there's a lock_kernel() call that does something, and various other 
    mechanisms that could be used (hard lock, spin lock, logic lock), but you 
    have a very good point... and use of any of these may just mess me up
    royally in the "more efficient" argument.
    > Am I missing something?
    Only if I'm not. :)
    > /August, yeah, it's kind of a strange example, but it was the best I
    >          could come up with right now.
    > -- 
    > Bj|rn Augustsson      DCE/DFS Sysadmin     IT Systems & Services
    > Chalmers tekniska h|gskola     Chalmers University of Technology
    J. Melvin Jones
    ||  J. MELVIN JONES            jmjonesat_private 
    ||  Microcomputer Systems Consultant  
    ||  Software Developer
    ||  Web Site Design, Hosting, and Administration
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