Re: permissive vs. restrictive issue and solutions...

From: David Wagner (dawat_private)
Date: Fri Jun 08 2001 - 17:52:30 PDT

  • Next message: David Wagner: "Re: permissive vs. restrictive issue and solutions..."

    Chris Wright wrote:
    >> Introduce a translation layer.  The base kernel logic will still contain
    >> calls to security_ops->hook(), and this will resolve to the translation
    >> layer.  LSM's can register permissive_hook(), a restrictive_hook(),
    >> or both with the translation layer.  The translation layer can then be
    >> in charge of registering a security_ops->hook() with the base kernel to
    >> ensure that the relevant LSM *_hook()s get called.
    >The placement of the hook is critical.  When you say "the base kernel
    >logic will still contain calls to security_ops->hook()" I'm not clear on
    >the placement of the hook.  And, that is the crux of the issue.  If the
    >hook placement is before or after the standard DAC checks, you can't
    >override the DAC checks.
    Yes.  That's true.
    Maybe one way to avoid this conundrum is to pass a flag indicating
    the results of the DAC checks to security_ops->hook().  e.g.,
      if (current->uid != current->euid || ...) // DAC
        rv = EPERM;
      rv = security_ops->foo_hook(rv, ...);
      if (rv)
        return rv;
    I've been travelling a few days, and have paged out some of this stuff.
    Was there a reason to prefer to avoid passing such a flag to hooks?
    If I've forgotten one, I apologize profusely for my forgetfulness.
    >> If this general approach is to be followed, there should still be
    >> some discussion on the details.  For instance, what are the semantics
    >> when a restrictive_hook() says 'deny' and a permissive_hook() says
    >> 'allow'?  Possibly it is better to have a restrictive_hook() and an
    >> override_hook(), where the latter always takes precedence and allows
    >> fully general policies, intended to be used only where restrictive_hook()
    >> is insufficient.
    >This sounds complicated to me.  It also seems dangerously close to
    >enforcing policy in the lsm (since as you mentioned we'd need to decide
    >how to integrate the results of a restrictive and permissive hook).
    Policy in the lsm -- isn't that where lsm is supposed to go?
    Note: I would advocate making the translation layer as optional and part
    of the policy module system.
    >Adding possibly triple the hooks feels like an unnecessary burden on the
    Yes.  Good point.  It might make sense to allow the module to register
    any one of permissive_hook(), restrictive_hook(), or authoratitive_hook(),
    but no more than one.
    linux-security-module mailing list

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