Re: permissive vs. restrictive issue and solutions...

From: David Wagner (dawat_private)
Date: Fri Jun 08 2001 - 17:59:22 PDT

  • Next message: David Wagner: "Re: module's use of security_ops"

    Crispin Cowan  wrote:
    >could we proceed with our current approach of hap hazard hook placement, but be
    >careful to mark each of the hooks that is permissive in nature?  If all
    >hooks exported an interface containing the substring "permissive", then
    >can use advanced high assurance software tools like "grep" :-) to ensure that a
    >module is on the safe side of the line. [...]
    >Wagner proposed a full layer of indirection to manange the
    >David: can you elaborate on why the distinction needs to be dynamic, rather than
    >just statically designating a given hook as being permissive, and therefore more
    >dangerous than usual?
    Quite possibly I'm overlooking something important, but it seems there
    is a tradeoff here.
    If we can convince ourselves ahead of time that most hook locations will
    never need to support permissive policies, then your approach seems like
    it could work nicely.  And I can't argue with enabling use of advanced
    software assurance tools like "grep" anywhere we possibly can! :-)
    On the other hand, if over time we find that there are modules who want to
    do permissive things essentially everywhere that there is a restrictive
    hook, then we could end up with sprinkling the base kernel with twice
    as many calls under your approach as under mine.
    The main reason to introduce a translation layer (in my scheme) was to
    expose the restrictive/permissive distinction to policy modules but to
    hide it from the base kernel, so that it doesn't unnecessarily clutter
    the base kernel code.  If restrictive-only is the common case, and we
    only rarely need to support permissive hooks, then this consideration is
    certainly not an important one; on the other hand, if we need to support
    both in the common case, then this is where the translation layer might
    be worth looking at.
    In any case, no matter what happens, I'd be happy with your approach.
    Speaking personally, I only expect to use the restrictive hooks, so if
    we followed your approach, I'd be more than happy---probably your approach
    is even better for me than my own suggestion is.  I just want to be fair
    and point out how this might affect other folks who want to implement
    permissive policies, even though I can't see myself falling in that camp.
    linux-security-module mailing list

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