LSM BitKeeper repository is fixed.

From: Chris Wright (chrisat_private)
Date: Tue Jul 24 2001 - 16:29:27 PDT

  • Next message: Chris Wright: "2001_07_24 patch against 2.4.6"

    Well, after a lot of correspondance and work with BitMover, our
    BitKeeper repository is fixed.  The problem was with tagging
    and merging.  The tag is not a trivial as it seems, and maintains
    it's own graph history.  I belive the tag graph was corrupted,
    and preventing future merges.
    I'd especially like to thank Larry McVoy for his dedicated support
    and bugfix!
    Please do a 'bk pull' to clean up your tree, and get the latest
    2.4.7 port of LSM.
    We are back on track ;-)
    linux-security-module mailing list

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