Re: File descriptors: LSM should support them in phase 1.

From: Crispin Cowan (crispinat_private)
Date: Wed Jul 25 2001 - 18:01:38 PDT

  • Next message: Chris Wright: "Re: [PATCH] skb hooks (v.2)"

    Casey Schaufler wrote:
    > "KRAMER,STEVEN (HP-USA,ex1)" wrote:
    > > On the one hand, they are told to
    > > not pollute phase 1 with audit and wait for phase 2, and on the other
    > > hand they are being told that phase 2 is nowhere near a certainty.
    > Well, we ARE doing an audit implementation, that's not an uncertainty.
    Granted.  I support that.  I will help.  But I can't assure acceptance by
    Linus.  The Phase 1/2 plan is an attempt to improve the odds.
    > The question is if LSM will be sufficient for it. If it isn't, we're
    > back to square one, with multiple conflicting implementations of
    > security facilities competing for approval for inclusion in the official
    > tree. We don't want that. It's reasonably clear that conflicts need to
    > be resolved to mutual dissatisfaction within LSM before we can stand
    > united before the larger community.
    > The larger community is going to hit us with both barrels. It's been
    > that way since I started putting these features into U2X back in 1987.
    > We have to be strong and together, or we're toast, lightly spread with
    > peach compote.
    Outstanding!  We appear to be on the same page :-)
    > > Does anyone know the chances of a phase 2?
    > We will do it, if audit isn't in Phase 1. We have to, our market
    > (honking big compute boxes, etc) depends on it. It's the reason we're
    > here. Working together to make Linux better.
    I recomend "audit lite" in Phase 1, disguised as access control features.
    The fd discussion is an ideal exaple.  To get a feature that audit wants
    into phase 1, justify it with an access control reason for it to be
    there.  That will fly a lot better if the access control justification
    comes in the form of a useful, working module than in the form of a
    paragraph of rationalizing.
    Crispin Cowan, Ph.D.
    Chief Scientist, WireX Communications, Inc.
    Security Hardened Linux Distribution:
    Available for purchase:
    linux-security-module mailing list

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