Re: MAC before DAC vs DAC before MAC

From: Casey Schaufler (caseyat_private)
Date: Fri Jul 27 2001 - 09:59:47 PDT

  • Next message: Chris Wright: "Re: MAC before DAC vs DAC before MAC"

    David Wagner wrote:
    > Well, this seems like an awfully contrived example.
    The cluster file system manager, the near-line
    storage manager, and the security manager all
    looked at the customer bug report and said pretty
    much the same thing. Then they spent a couple days
    figuring out how to fix it.
    It wasn't exactly that example, but close to it,
    and yes, it really happened. Richard is not making
    it up. We had a US$20 million dollar account riding
    on it.
    Casey Schaufler				Manager, Trust Technology, SGI
    caseyat_private				voice: 650.933.1634
    casey_pat_private			Pager: 888.220.0607
    linux-security-module mailing list

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