Re: Possible system call interface for LSM

From: jmjonesat_private
Date: Fri Aug 10 2001 - 09:36:40 PDT

  • Next message: richard offer: "Re: Possible system call interface for LSM"

    On Fri, 10 Aug 2001, richard offer wrote:
    > I suggest making it a void * rather than int, to make it absolutely clear
    > that this is a policy specific entity that has no relevevance to the kernel.
    Just one thought: my module uses a character string, yours' uses an
    integer.  How's a po' module to know?  My module goes to scan your 
    application's integer... possible "kaboom"?
    32 bits is a lot of space; I'd think it's probably enough... but since a
    pointer is very often 64bits, why don't you think a 64-bit integer would
    fly? (I think I missed something there.) 
    > richard.
    > -----------------------------------------------------------------------
    > Richard Offer                     Technical Lead, Trust Technology, SGI
    > "Specialization is for insects"
    > _______________________________________________________________________
    Just A Thought,
    J. Melvin Jones  
    ||  J. MELVIN JONES            jmjonesat_private 
    ||  Microcomputer Systems Consultant  
    ||  Software Developer
    ||  Web Site Design, Hosting, and Administration
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    linux-security-module mailing list

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