Re: Possible system call interface for LSM

From: Crispin Cowan (crispinat_private)
Date: Fri Aug 10 2001 - 18:02:51 PDT

  • Next message: jmjonesat_private: "Re: Possible system call interface for LSM"

    My main axe to grind here was that it should be a syscall, so I've been
    quite through the rest of the debate, but thought I'd chip in here.
    richard offer wrote:
    > *> I'm not going to go and create a pseudo file system just to let
    > *> applications know that my policy is loaded. That's bogus. You'd rather
    > *> increase the kernel size than pass one extra parameter?
    > *
    > * No, I'd rather not overload an existing clean interface (syscalls) with
    > * a new functionality that will take time (computer time with the extra
    > * parameter)
    > And that is slower than opening a file?
    I believe that the argumenthere is that the compute cost of an extra
    parameter is paid by all modules on every call to the LSM syscall, vs. a
    one-time cost of accessing a pseudo-file to identify a module.  The file
    access is slower, but occurs much less often, off the critical path.
    > * And how much bloat is creating a single /proc entry to let your
    > * userspace programs know that your module is loaded?
    > Well, now I need /proc compiled in, that's 46k.
    It seems legitimate that an application may want to probe for the existance
    of a specific module.  But it also seems that not all modules will have this
    need (e.g. SubDomain doesn't need it, because I don't care how well
    SubDomain-enabled apps run on non-Immunix systems).  So what we need is a
    way for applications to detect modules, such that:
       * the detection doesn't cost too much
       * modules & applications that don't care about module detection don't pay
         for it
    Richard seems to feel that 46 KB of kernel space for /proc is too much to
    pay.  That seems a tad extreme to me: 46 KB is not much space for any
    machine bigger than a wrist watch, and for larger systems, I suggest that
    /proc will be included most of the time anyway.  So:
       * Richard: what embedded applications are there that are that tight on
         memory, and also need B1 security? (1/2 :-)
       * Group: is there perhaps a cheaper way to indicate the presence of an
         LSM module than a /proc entry? Or is that really the Linux Way to do
         this, and we should stop with the fussing?
    Crispin Cowan, Ph.D.
    Chief Scientist, WireX Communications, Inc.
    Security Hardened Linux Distribution:
    Available for purchase:
    linux-security-module mailing list

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