FreeBSD hooks

From: Evan Sarmiento (
Date: Mon Aug 20 2001 - 16:39:22 PDT

  • Next message: Seth Arnold: "Re: FreeBSD hooks"

    I've been following this list for quite a while, and attended the BoF at DC. I've taken many of your theories
    into account when beginning to work on PRFW, the set of hooks for the FreeBSD operating system. I know
    this surely is not a FreeBSD hook mailing list, but perhaps you'd be interested to compare, and I'd be
    glad to hear your feedback. One thing I added in my hooks implementation is the ability to have
    per-process hooks, for example, you might have process A return EPERM when it tries to setuid(),
    and you can tell process B that it can only use SOCKET() if it is PF_LOCAL. These rules
    also propagate through children.
    Here is the website for it:
    (Even though it is hosted by, it is certanly not part of the GNU project
    nor even GPL'd. It is BSDL. I chose savannah because it is certanly better than soruceforge
    and I helped with it .. heh ;) )
    I have posted a preliminary patch and a howto, if you want to look.
    Sorry again if this seems out of place, wondered if you were curious about it :-)
    Evan Sarmiento | 
    emsat_private  |
    linux-security-module mailing list

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