Re: quotactl hook (authoritative vs. restrictive)

From: David Wheeler (dwheelerat_private)
Date: Tue Sep 04 2001 - 06:11:13 PDT

  • Next message: Stephen Smalley: "Re: authoritative vs. restrictive"

    jmjonesat_private wrote:
    > 1) authoritative hooks: YES, NO, CONDITIONAL (how?)
    Greg KH <gregat_private> wrote:
    >No.  I've already talked about why I feel this way.  Please see the archives.
    So far, no one's shown a way for SGI to meet their needs using
    restrictive-only hooks.  jmjones' desires aren't met either.
    Clearly, the restrictive-only approach is not helping some -- it's
    simply TOO restrictive, and the goal of LSM is to be useful to many.
    Also, some of the original advantages for restrictive-only approaches
    (to prevent accidental errors & simplify analysis) have turned out to be
    much weaker than it originally appeared.
    Since restrictive-only isn't working for some, and it's less helpful than
    it originally appeared, it's quite appropriate to re-examine this assumption.
    At the BOF, it was agreed to let SGI develop & propose an authoritative
    version that would meet their needs.  That way, it can be shown (not guessed)
    how ugly/easy it would be.
    Let's let SGI develop its proposal, as was agreed to at the BOF.
    linux-security-module mailing list

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