Re: Binary only module overview

From: Greg KH (gregat_private)
Date: Tue Sep 25 2001 - 20:24:17 PDT

  • Next message: Stephen Smalley: "Re: Determing the difference between path_walk and chdir ?"

    On Tue, Sep 25, 2001 at 04:09:02PM -0700, Crispin Cowan wrote:
    > Therefore, any additional constraints people may wish to impose, such as 
    > Greg's comment in security.h, are invalid. When someone receives a copy 
    > of the Linux kernel, the license is pure, vanilla GPL, with no funny 
    > riders.*
    My comment in security.h that I proposed [1] does not add any additional
    constraints to the license that is currently on the file.  All it does
    is explicitly state the licensing terms of it, so that there shall be no
    confusion regarding it's inclusion in programs.  If you think this is
    adding an additional restriction to the file, please explain.
    If you were to include a GPL licensed user space header file in a closed
    source program, of course you would be violating that license.  So why
    do people think that since a file is in include/linux that the license
    attached to that file is no longer valid?
    Yes it is true that a variety of companies currently ship binary modules
    for Linux.  And hopefully in the compilation of those modules they do
    not include any GPL licensed header files.  I know some companies go to
    great lengths to prevent this from happening.
    greg k-h
    [1] Included here for those who did not see it on the
        linux-security-module mailing list:
    	This file may not be included in any code not licensed
    	under the list of accepted free software licenses as
    	defined in module.h contained in this same directory.
    linux-security-module mailing list

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