Re: Proposed documentation patch to security.h

From: Greg KH (gregat_private)
Date: Wed Oct 31 2001 - 18:46:05 PST

On Wed, Oct 31, 2001 at 04:26:13PM -0800, Chris Wright wrote:
> >   * struct module_security_ops - Security hooks for kernel module operations.
> > + * @create_module:
> > + *	Check the permission before allocating space for a module.
> > + *	name contains the module name.
> 	@name

Ah, didn't think that would work properly, but it does, thanks.

> and the kernel-doc script generates a fair amount of warnings (no, i'm
> not going to look into it, that script is in perl, and last time i
> looked at it, it made my head hurt ;-)

I think they are due to us having "broken" kernel-doc like comments in
the file right now.  If they still are there after we convert the whole
file, I'll start worrying about it.

> finally, the hmtl is a bit broken...
> "Check the permission before allocating space for a module. name contains
> the module name. size contains the module size. Return 0 if permission
> is granted."
> this should really be:
> Check the permission before allocating space for a module.
> name contains the module name.
> size contains the module size.
> Return 0 if permission is granted.
> again, probably an issue with the script.  greg mentioned it looked
> better in docbook format anyway...

I can't see a way to achive the line breaks like you want there.  If
anyone can, please let me know.  Docbook output does look a lot better,
but the info is still all on one line.


greg k-h

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