Re: Legitimate Question

From: jmjonesat_private
Date: Sat Jan 26 2002 - 09:49:19 PST

  • Next message: Russell Coker: "Re: Legitimate Question"

    On Sat, 26 Jan 2002, Russell Coker wrote:
    > Why not just ship the application in question in RPM or DEB form and have the 
    > package manager deal with this?
    > You can build a RPM or DEB package on a machine without any LSM support and 
    > then install it on an LSM machine.  As long as the package dependencies were 
    > correct then it would work fine.
    Actually, this makes the situation worse.  Such "canned installs" are
    already loaded with assumptions about the target system since numerous
    assumptions have to be made during the make, and if you make on a totally
    different machine... 
    With the advent of LSM, far fewer assumptions can be made.
    Dr. Cowen Wrote....
       * You can't count on the application itself to test and then enable
          something, because some policies might impose different rules
          depending on the time of day, or even on how often you ask.
    This is already (pre LSM) true, although in a coarser way.  Permission to
    drop a file in a cache, for example, could disappear if a quota is
    There is a distinction, in my mind, anyway, between dynamic permissions
    and static permissions.  Obviously, all applications must be prepared for
    calls to fail, that's just good coding.  But when building an application 
    that provides, for example, numerous servers, it would be very useful to 
    know if it will NEVER get permission to do something, or if it
    potentially MAY.  Then one can simply not compile in the NTP server part
    of the code, for example, and not have to keep checking when in operation
    if the resource has become available.
    More thinkwork by the admin when configuring the build and less ability
    to automate the process.  There is ONE cross-module way to reliably
    inquire if a permission is likely to exist: ask the admin who sets up the
    policy.  The availability of a so-called "b?tch-mode" then 
    provides information regarding if the context is correct.
    Application designers will just have to get used to providing detailed 
    information like never before, or watch their applications fall into 
    disfavor.  A very interactive process may be better security, anyway,
    although experience has shown that products that take too much time and 
    effort to install often get "tossed" in favor of simpler installs.
    The Cost Of Security,
    J. Melvin Jones
    ||  J. MELVIN JONES            jmjonesat_private 
    ||  Microcomputer Systems Consultant  
    ||  Software Developer
    ||  Web Site Design, Hosting, and Administration
    ||  Network and Systems Administration
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