Re: [lids-user] LIDS 1.0.0pre1 for LSM released!

From: Brian Hatch (lidsat_private)
Date: Wed Mar 06 2002 - 07:05:50 PST

  • Next message: "Re: Problem building LIDS 1.0.0pre1 on 2.4.18"

    > > Now, LIDS use a new version number for now it can compile under both 2.4
    > > and 2.5 . The new version number is "1.0.0pre1" for this first release,
    > > and I will release the final "1.0.0" after it get stable. Actually,
    > > during these days using, it is quite stable now.
    > May I suggest to keep 2.x.x version numbers.
    > That's *very* bad to have two different versions with the same version
    > number!
    I was scratching my head at the 1.x choice too.  2.x make much
    more sense.  It's a completely different method of interacting
    with the kernel (LSM), and as such it more than deserves it's
    own major number.
    Brian Hatch                  I feel like I have a
       Systems and                tumor growing inside me.
       Security Engineer         You mean the one with a     heartbeat?
                                 Yeah, that one.
    Every message PGP signed

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