Re: unresolved symbol sys_newstat

From: Niki Rahimi (narahimiat_private)
Date: Wed Jun 05 2002 - 15:30:38 PDT

  • Next message: Chris Wright: "Re: unresolved symbol sys_newstat"

    Chris wrote:
    > Are you using the bprm security checks?  You should be able to get the
    >parent inode info from:
    >The inode has i_mode, i_uid, i_gid fields which sounds like all you
    >Hope that helps,
    Yeah. I think that'll probably be the best way. I was using bprm->file->..
    etc, to get the parent file name for sys_newstat within the
    binprm_set_security function. It will have to change the TPE structure as a
    result (I'll have to add a "few" more calls), so I was just hoping to find
    that short cut. Just being a lazy programmer. :-)
    Thanks so much for all your help. I'll let you all know how it comes along.
    linux-security-module mailing list

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