unresolved symbol sys_newstat

From: Niki Rahimi (narahimiat_private)
Date: Wed Jun 05 2002 - 09:56:39 PDT

  • Next message: Chris Wright: "Re: unresolved symbol sys_newstat"

    Hi Everyone,
          I was wondering if any of you have utilized the syscall sys_newstat
    in the 2.4.17 kernel. I have utilized in an LSM I'm creating and have had
    no troubles with make modules and make modules_install. Upon the insmod, I
    get the following error message "unresolved symbol sys_newstat". I've also
    tried this on sys_stat (both calls are defined in
    /usr/src/linux/fs/stat.c). Would anyone happen to know if I'm missing
    something here. I've grepped the entire /usr/src/linux directory of my
    2.4.17-lsm directory and have found no headers or other sources with
    support for this.
    linux-security-module mailing list

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