Re: [BK PATCH] LSM changes for 2.5.59

From: Casey Schaufler (caseyat_private)
Date: Mon Feb 10 2003 - 09:29:20 PST

  • Next message: Stephen D. Smalley: "RE: [BK PATCH] LSM changes for 2.5.59"

    Crispin Cowan wrote:
    > LA Walsh wrote:
    > >>From: Crispin Cowan
    > >>
    > >>LSM does have a careful design.... meeting a
    > >>goal stated by Linus nearly two years ago.
    > >>
    > >>
    > >       A security model that mediates access to security objects by
    > >logging all access and blocking access if logging cannot continue is
    > >unsupportable in any straight forward, efficient and/or non-kludgy, ugly
    > >way.
    > >
    > Because Linus asked for access control support, not audit logging
    > support, it is not surprising that logging models don't fit so well.
    > >  Some security people were banned from the kernel
    > >devel. summit because their thoughts were deemed 'dangerous': fear was they
    > >were too persuasive about ideas that were deemed 'ignorant' and would
    > >fool those poor kernel lambs at the summit.
    > >
    > Internal SGI politics.
    Just a gentle reminder that Ms. Walsh is not an SGI employee
    and that any opinions she may express regarding the Linux
    development process are her own, and may not reflect the
    views or understandings of SGI or any other individuals
    In particular, dragging SGI into this discussion is
    inappropriate and unnecessary. SGI is currently not
    active in this effort, and makes no claims regarding
    it's appropriateness to any particular purpose.
    Please leave SGI, in spirit and name, out of
    this discussion.
    Casey Schaufler				Manager, Trust Technology, SGI
    caseyat_private				voice: 650.933.1634
    casey_pat_private			Pager: 877.557.3184
    linux-security-module mailing list

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