Re: New module: tpe

From: Chris Wright (chrisat_private)
Date: Wed May 14 2003 - 11:39:17 PDT

  • Next message: Niki Rahimi: "Re: New module: tpe"

    * dlambrouat_private (dlambrouat_private) wrote:
    > Just a quick question on the following rule:
    > 2. Trusted user, untrusted path  =  User is able to run the executable
    > 1. Untrusted path contains untrusted code
    > 2. Trusted user has higher priviledges than untrusted
    > 3. Finally an untrusted user places an untrusted 
    > file into an untrusted path, 
    > and what you get is an untrusted application (Trojan) to be executed by a
    > trusted user!  
    IIRC trusted user in this case essentially means can run arbitrary
    (potentially untrusted) code.  IOW, the trusted user list should have
    no users in it by default, and is a mechanism to selectively turn off
    TPE.  I'll have to go back and read about the older implementations
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