Strange thing

From: linuxmoduleat_private
Date: Wed Aug 20 2003 - 08:42:56 PDT

  • Next message: Philippe Biondi: "sys_security() status ?"

    I am trying to compile a module on 2.6.0-test3 kernel. The makefile i am using is a pretty normal one : 
    CFLAGS = -D__KERNEL__ -DMODULE -I/usr/src/linux-2.6.0-test3/include -O
    dummy.o: dummy.c
    The module i am trying to compile is taken from the kernel itself (dummy network device driver). The compilation works flawlessly but when i try to insert the module i get : invalid module format.
    What am i doing wrong because i have modutils and module-init and both work, since the same module (dummy) compiled with the kernel itself can be inserted and removed without the previous error message.
    Is there something i should know about the compilation process ? The kernel-compiled module (dummy.ko) has about 10 Kbytes and dummy.ko compiled by me has only 2 Kbytes :(
    Thank you in advance
    linux-security-module mailing list

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