Re: Spam on the list

From: Seth Arnold (sarnoldat_private)
Date: Fri Sep 12 2003 - 10:48:56 PDT

  • Next message: Connie Davis: ""

    On Thu, Sep 11, 2003 at 11:12:39PM -0500, Doc Shankar wrote:
    > i have unsubscribed twice using the instructions & have still not got off
    > the list.     What do i do?
    Doc, I do not see your IBM address on our list management page. It
    appears to me that you've been sucessfully unsubscribed.
    Is spam on the list still a big problem for people? My archives show a
    single spam slipping through since the eigth of september, inclusive.
    People who separate manpages from the programs
    they document would steal sheep.  -- apologies to Goudy

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