LIDS 2.2.0rc1 for kernel 2.6.6 is out

From: Huagang Xie (xie@private)
Date: Sat Jun 12 2004 - 23:15:17 PDT

  • Next message: Michael Dean: "Re: LIDS 2.2.0rc1 for kernel 2.6.6 is out"

    Hello there,
    This version removed the lidsadm's inode/dev value initiazation routine from the kernel,
    adding the lidsadm's inode/dev into the config file. In this way, lidsadm's inode/dev
    will be get correctly even when the kernel boot with initrd. This version also remove
    the LIDS_SOCKET_NF_MARK support.
    For more info, check ChangeLog. The version need a updated lidstools-2.2.5rc1 which has
    been included within the tarball. Check out the INSTALL for how to install this version.
    Thanks Mark Hoekstra, Doug Porter, Kee-Chuan Chen , Yusuf Wilajati Purna and Sander Klein
    etc discussed on lids mailing list.
    Download it out on
    PS, LIDS 2.2.x is purely based on LSM framework.  

    This archive was generated by hypermail 2b30 : Sat Jun 12 2004 - 23:18:18 PDT