Re: LIDS 2.2.0rc1 for kernel 2.6.6 is out

From: Michael Dean (mdean@private)
Date: Sun Jun 13 2004 - 10:18:31 PDT

  • Next message: Crispin Cowan: "Re: LIDS 2.2.0rc1 for kernel 2.6.6 is out"

    could you explain to me, simply, the advantages of lids over selinux?  
    Huagang Xie wrote:
    >Hello there,
    >This version removed the lidsadm's inode/dev value initiazation routine from the kernel,
    >adding the lidsadm's inode/dev into the config file. In this way, lidsadm's inode/dev
    >will be get correctly even when the kernel boot with initrd. This version also remove
    >the LIDS_SOCKET_NF_MARK support.
    >For more info, check ChangeLog. The version need a updated lidstools-2.2.5rc1 which has
    >been included within the tarball. Check out the INSTALL for how to install this version.
    >Thanks Mark Hoekstra, Doug Porter, Kee-Chuan Chen , Yusuf Wilajati Purna and Sander Klein
    >etc discussed on lids mailing list.
    >Download it out on
    >PS, LIDS 2.2.x is purely based on LSM framework.  

    This archive was generated by hypermail 2b30 : Sun Jun 13 2004 - 10:18:47 PDT