Re: lsm stacker

From: Crispin Cowan (crispin@private)
Date: Thu Jun 30 2005 - 14:20:41 PDT

Casey Schaufler wrote:
>>I don't think this dire circumstance needs to occur.
>I don'y buy Stephen's argument at all.
>Security is to important to try to put
>the brakes on. No, we should not try
>to unify on a single model. Even if that
>model claims to do everything up to
>and including cleaning the bathrooms.
More over, one of the essential principles of security is *simplicity*.
Taking a large, general-purpose thing and using it for a specific
purpose is not actually a good idea. It is *better* to use a specific
tool if you can than to use a Swiss Army knife as your Phillips
screwdriver day in  and day out.

LSM allows you to choose your tool. SELinux is a Swiss Army knife, which
is useful, but should not be the only tool in the toolbox.

Crispin Cowan, Ph.D.            
Director of Software Engineering, Novell

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