Re: Questions for the Stacker FAQ

From: George Beshers (gbeshers@private)
Date: Mon Jul 11 2005 - 09:25:14 PDT

Crispin Cowan wrote:

>George Beshers wrote:
>>2)  Because Auditing is an integral part of my LSM it is important
>>    that the methods be called even if another module is going to
>>    deny permission --- this is not the semantics of
>>    RETURN_ERROR_IF_ANY_ERROR.  It appears that SELinux also
>>    might have a similar concern.
>Short-circuit error returns is the semantics of the LSM hooks in the
>Linux kernel; there are access requests that error out on DAC and other
>checks that no LSM module will ever see.
>Therefore it is at least consistent if Stacker also errors out short,
>returning "no" if any module says "no" without bothering to ask all the
>To get the effect you want, why not just stack your module first (or
>last, whatever) such that it is the first module checked by Stacker?
To quote Stephen Smalley <sds@private>

> SELinux only audits its own permission checks, and will
> generally be the first module (other than stacker, if using stacker) due
> to its requirement for early initialization.

Which implies a certain competition for the first spot rather than
some form of co-operation---which may be inevitable but tends to
detract from small innovative contributions being able to get equal

However the point about the general short circuit for LSMs is well
taken---perhaps auditing should be done via a separate interface.

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