Re: [logs] Sentry/Counterpane how is it working ?

From: Sweth Chandramouli (loganalysisat_private)
Date: Wed Mar 13 2002 - 19:05:00 PST

  • Next message: 吴海燕: "[logs] meaning of log entries"

    On Wed, Mar 13, 2002 at 07:41:49PM -0500, Michael.Slifcakat_private wrote:
    > Network management [seems to me to be] the original term
    > used for proactively interpreting log data and SNMP data
    > which was collected across networked connections.
    	At one point it was (I also used to once be a Network
    Management consultant), but now people seem to use that term more to
    describe active management rather than just monitoring.  NMS ("Network
    Management System"), oddly, still seems to refer to the systems that do
    the monitoring.
    	-- Sweth.
    Sweth Chandramouli ; <svcat_private>
    President, Idiopathic Systems Consulting
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