Re: [logs] Syslog payload format

From: Bennett Todd (betat_private)
Date: Tue Dec 17 2002 - 10:00:02 PST

  • Next message: Bob the Builder: "[logs] Tamper Proof Logging"

    2002-12-17-05:42:55 Rainer Gerhards:
    > I would like to focus on the payload with this
    > posting. Interestingly, there never has been any standard for the
    > exact format and also interestingly nobody at the IETF seems to
    > care (right now) about it.
    The impression I've gotten is that any time discussion of payload
    starts up, it stalls out in looping arguments --- everyone keeps
    saying the same thing, over and over again.
    For myself, I'm keen to see the idiot syslog timestamp format:
    	Dec 17 12:33:54
    replaced with ISO 8601 / RFC 3339:
    Beyond that, the next two whitespace-delimited fields are pretty
    widely agreed on; the second is the hostname, and the third is
    program[pid]:. After that comes free text.
    I've yet to see a proposal for a tagged format that struck me as
    convincing. If we could work out really valuable semantics for such
    a format --- a good convincing taxonomy of loggable events --- then
    maybe it'd motivate going to the trouble of introducing a tagged
    format. Until we see one, though, I'll stick with the current
    format, fixing only the broken timestamp format, and of course
    tacking the unreliable and restrictive transport.
    Back to the payload, the way to guide the transition is to first
    define your taxonomy.  Then write a converter that reads current
    syslog data, together with a rules file describing known patterns
    and their associated classification tags. Extend this rulebase to
    cover an interesting range of real log types. Build tools that work
    with it. Demonstrate their value. You'll need that converter almost
    indefinitely anyway, until the very last embedded-OS gizmo gets
    converted to the New Way Of Logging.
    Once you've demonstrated the real utility of the taxonomy, then
    create a New Logging over-the-wire protocol, a client API, and a
    companion server. Remember you'll need to retain some kind of
    backwards-compatibility interop with Syslog Classic more or less of
    Contribute code to some prominent free software that does
    important logging (e.g. the main MTAs, packet filters and firewall
    proxies, web servers, security components like sudo, ...) adding
    compile-time-optional logging using the New library API. Build a
    varient of your favourite open source OS distribution in which every
    invocation of syslog(3) is replaced with good invocations including
    appropriate classification info in the new logging API. Get people
    to do this for all major open source OS distributions. Let people
    build experience that the new way of doing things is really
    convincingly better, over a wide range of scales. Present how much
    better it is, with real big interesting case examples, at a Usenix.
    When you've gotten a big enough popular base that the complete kit
    is shipped with the major distributions of popular OSes, together
    with apps built to work with it, then go beating on IETF's door:-).

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