Re: [logs] tbird rant: syslog.conf, tabs and spaces

From: Darren Reed (avalonat_private)
Date: Wed May 07 2003 - 23:00:54 PDT

  • Next message: Devin Kowatch: "Re: [logs] tbird rant: syslog.conf, tabs and spaces"

    In some mail from Rob Scott, sie said:
    > At 07:13 PM 5/7/2003, Darren Reed wrote:
    > >In some mail from Rob Scott, sie said:
    > > > My biggest pet peeve about traditional syslog daemons is that if the 
    > > system
    > > > admin (me, usually) forgets to actually create the target file called out
    > > > in a syslog rule then syslog will only tell you about it at start time
    > > > rather than simply create the file in question.  I admit that a truly
    > > > paranoid and control oriented admin may not wish a system utility like 
    > > this
    > > > to go about creating files.  However, I've always felt that if syslog can
    > > > detect that I haven't created a target log file why shouldn't it just go
    > > > ahead and create the fritzing thing rather than just whining about it.
    > >
    > >And who should own it and what permissions should it have on it ?
    > >And you would configure that in syslogd how ?
    > Syslog runs as root on most systems.  Take a look at /var/log in Linux, and 
    > you'll see that almost all of the log files already being used by syslog 
    > are owned by root with permission 600.  Makes sense (at least to me) that 
    > syslog would create the files with owner root and permissions 600.  I do 
    > note that Solaris seems to put permissions of 644 on most files in 
    > /var/adm, but I would favor 600 for those files that would be auto-created 
    > by syslog.  My point is that if creating a file syslog should adhere to 
    > local or religious standards of the *nix flavor that it's running on.
    That's a very simplistic view of file ownership and file permissions
    on unix, how they're used and how people classify the information that
    is stored in the log files.  *BSD come with a utility called "newsyslog"
    that has a separate configuration file to syslog.conf that contains
    information such as file permissions for creation of files on rollover.
    > >Not to mention that the other aspect of not logging to a file that
    > >is not there vs creating it on demand, creates a control mechanism
    > >for logging outside of syslogd itself, independant of syslog.conf.
    > I'm not sure that I get your point here.  If a log file target called out 
    > in a syslog doesn't exist, syslog throws away the log entries destined for 
    > that file.
    Yup!  Good thing too!
    > Most implementations of syslog won't tell you that the file is 
    > missing when they start up,
    Even better...
    Who's to say that the missing file is an error ?
    > so if you haven't created the file before you 
    > start syslog you won't know that it's losing the messages destined for the 
    > file.
    Or maybe you want them to not be recorded on disk ?
    It's really a case of "mv file file.x; kill -HUP `cat /etc/syslog.conf`"
    to turn off logging for that particular "line", temporarily.  No need
    to change syslog.conf either.  Depending on your perspective, this may
    or may not be a feature but it is an available consequence of the current
    implementations that will disappear if syslogd is changed to create files
    if it sees them as missing.
    It is a rather obtuse control channel, granted, but it is there as one...
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