[logs] Re: on log standards

From: James Turnbull (james@private)
Date: Thu Aug 31 2006 - 21:47:12 PDT

Anton Chuvakin wrote:
> He-he, and how exactly do you pressure, say, IBM :-), into documenting
> all the log messages? Some companies (like Cisco) are pretty good at
> that while others are pretty abysmal. At the same time, there is no
> way to document all Unix syslog messages (and Windows event log
> messages) since everybody and their doc can write there ...
In addition to all the messages that no one knows the meaning of.  Lot's 
of mystery messages, even in major products, introduced and not documented.


James Turnbull

James Turnbull <james@private>
Author of Pro Nagios 2.0

Hardening Linux
PGP Key (http://pgp.mit.edu:11371/pks/lookup?op=get&search=0x0C42DF40)

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