Re: postfix content filter

From: Solar Designer (solar@private)
Date: Mon Mar 10 2003 - 10:01:59 PST

On Mon, Mar 10, 2003 at 12:36:11PM +0600, Dmitriy Litovchin wrote:
> But, I have runned into a problem - postfix mail daemon build that is
> included in OWL

s/OWL/Owl/ please. ;-)

> is lacking one major thing for me - support for
> content_filter - and that's really bugging me. Could you please tell
> me if by any chance in some future you will migrate to more recent
> build of postfix supporting this ?

Yes, this is planned.  In fact, I hoped to have it done by now and the
only reason it's not yet done is my lack of time. :-(  There's also a
Postfix update for Owl contributed by Maxim Timofeyev that I might be
able to make use of.

You might want to have a look at Owl/doc/TODO which lists this and a
few other things that are planned.

Unfortunately, the project evolves rather slowly currently.  It could
evolve much faster if it was paid work and I am considering ways to
make it so.  One thought I had is to accept payments for the addition
of very particular features (and actually do that fast, instead of
other paid work), giving proper credit to whoever or whatever company
has funded their development.  Of course, most work on Owl would still
be done in our spare time and without receiving any payment for it,
but there would be the alternative.  What do you and others think of
this approach?  We already accept donations, and, while they are of
even more help to the project, there's no direct benefit for the
person or company doing them.

> I think, this feature is quite important for those who have mail-virus
> problems at their location - at least, that's quite a problem for me.

I agree.

Michael Tokarev's avcheck isn't out of consideration for Owl, too,
although I'm not sure of how much use it would be if we don't also
package an anti-virus (which is hardly the right thing to do, for both
licensing and technical reasons... well, maybe in some commercial
build of Owl if such a thing is ever born).


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