Re: [owl-users] Owl-based desktop environment

From: Dmitry V. Levin (ldv@private)
Date: Sun Apr 01 2007 - 16:08:28 PDT


On Sun, Apr 01, 2007 at 06:04:08PM +0400, Grigoriy Strokin wrote:
>   1) Which RPM set with a wide range of useful applications
>      should I use? 
>      I tried downloading Fedora Core 6 i386 RPMs, but they require
>      GLIBC-2.4. Then I tried 
>        rpm --replacefiles --nodeps -U glibc-2.5-3.i386.rpm
>      but then PAM modules stopped working and it was even impossible to
>      login. So I downgraded to Should I use RPMs from
>      older versions of Fedora?

Owl-2.0 is closer to RHEL4 and FC3 from compatibility point of view.

>   3) Later I used sudo, but now I know it is not a good idea
>      to use su/sudo to root as a non-privileged user.
>      So, what is the right way to get admin's privileges while working
>      locally in X Window as grg? 
>        ssh r_grg@localhost ? 
>      What about using passwords?

I would say that user->root privilege escalation is not secure in general,
no matter how do you gain privs.  Consider login as privileged user using
new virtual console.


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