Re: [owl-users] Installing without a boot device?

From: Kevembuangga (
Date: Sun Aug 19 2007 - 13:27:52 PDT

Le Fri, 17 Aug 2007 15:49:17 +0200,
Jean-Luc Delatre (Kevembuangga) <> a écrit :

> That's not the kind of hack I have in mind, I rather plan to mount the CD image on a loop device, find out the install scripts and hack them to run the install from the mounted image into a free partition.

Responding to my own question, in case anyone else has this silly problem:

# don't even need to burn a CD
mount -t iso9660 -o ro,loop /opt/owl/Owl-current-20070601-i386.iso /mnt

# locate the proper inittab
find  /mnt -type f -name inittab

# find out about the bootscript
grep ":sysinit:" /mnt/rom/etc/inittab |cut -f 4 -d ':'

# run the bootscript
chroot /mnt /etc/rc.d/rc.sysinit

# check what the root shell is
grep "^root:" /mnt/rom/etc/passwd |cut -f 7 -d ':'

# enter the Owl universe
exec chroot /mnt /bin/bash

# install

Of course the partition has to exist before and be unmounted,
'settle' also complain about the already mounted partitions and cannot put them into the tree.
Just a matter of redoing the fstab afterward.
Another minor annoyance upon the install reboot the mounted partitions in the host OS are hung and need a fsck.

It took a few tries to find the proper sequence and this wasn't *really* for a secure install but for evaluation of Owl ;-)


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