On 04-Apr-2012 11:06:46 +0200, Igmar Palsenberg wrote: > > # rpm -Fvh ~build/RPMS/*.rpm > > error: Failed dependencies > -Fvh only works in installed packages. Not on new dependancies. > RPM doesn't handle this case, that's where normally yum and > friends come to help. --aid Add suggested packages to the transaction set when needed. Guess what I've quoted :-) -- Alexey V. Vissarionov aka Gremlin from Kremlin <gremlin ðòé gremlin ôþë ru> GPG key ID: 0xEF3B1FA8, keyserver: hkp://subkeys.pgp.net GPG key fingerprint: 8832 FE9F A791 F796 8AC9 6E4E 909D AC45 EF3B 1FA8
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