Re: [owl-users] Owl2 VirtualBox Guest additions

From: David Parrish <daveparrish_at_private>
Date: Tue, 18 Dec 2012 00:58:24 -0500
> Like I tried to explain above, WenEnabled VPSes are in fact a mix of
> Owl 2, extra software, and Owl 3 kernel on the host.  When you look from
> the inside, you obviously don't see a kernel (any), because OpenVZ uses
> a shared kernel for the entire machine.
> What you're doing is different - you actually have a kernel inside of
> your own VM - and you'd need it to be an Owl 3 kernel in order to have
> any chance of the VirtualBox extra kernel modules working (if I
> understood correctly).

Thank you for the explanation.  I understand much better now.

>> > > Are there any suggestions for installing the Guest Additions on Owl2?
>> >
>> > Don't do it?
>> Haha!  I think that might be the best advice.  I'm going to ask
>> Webenabled if they can setup a Ubuntu VM for me.  Vagrant compatible
>> with Ubuntu and I a more familiar with it.  Otherwise, I think I'll
>> settle for a CentOS development environment and call it close enough.
> OK.  FYI, at WebEnabled only the Owl-based systems are Dashboard-linked.
> You might get an Ubuntu or a CentOS instead, but it won't be linked.
> Anyhow, this is getting off-topic for owl-users.

I didn't know that about WebEnabled.  In that case, I hope I can get
the owl3 working with vagrant.  It wouldn't make sense for me to
switch to Ubuntu if it means losing the web interface.

In any case, I'll post update my veewee repository so owl3 users can
create vagrant boxes if they want to.  It might be useful for some.
Received on Mon Dec 17 2012 - 21:58:24 PST

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