Hello, This is a message sent out to discover poorly configured vacation programs. Please do not respond to this message. If you wish to respond asking me to unsub you from a list, please read the below instructions first. The example below is for the INCIDENTS list, however in order to make this work for other lists you simply need to change the listname of INCIDENTS to the listname you desire. If you have followed these instructions and still cannot modify your subscription please mail: listadminat_private 0.2.2 How do I unsubscribe? Send an e-mail message to LISTSERVat_private from the subscribed address with a message body of: UNSUBSCRIBE INCIDENTS If your email address has changed email listadminat_private and I will manually remove you. 0.2.3 How do I disable mail delivery temporarily? If you will are simply going in vacation you can turn off mail delivery without unsubscribing by sending LISTSERV the command: SET INCIDENTS NOMAIL To turn back on e-mail delivery use the command: SET INCIDENTS MAIL 0.2.4 Is the list available in a digest format? Yes. The digest generated once a day. 0.2.5 How do I subscribe to the digest? To subscribe to the digest join the list normally (see section 0.2.1) and then send a message to LISTSERVat_private with with a message body of: SET INCIDENTS DIGEST 0.2.6 How do I unsubscribe from the digest? To turn the digest off send a message to LISTSERV with a message body of: SET INCIDENTS NODIGEST If you want to unsubscribe from the list completely follow the instructions of section 0.2.2 next. 0.2.7 I seem to not be able to unsubscribe. What is going on? You are probably subscribed from a different address than that from which you are sending commands to LISTSERV from. Either send email from the appropiate address or email the moderator to be unsubscribed manually. 0.2.8 Can you add a tag like "[INCIDENTS]" to the subject line of each message? You can set your LISTSERV options to do this for your subscription. To do so email LISTSERVat_private with a message body of: SET INCIDENTS SUBJ
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