Re: [PEN-TEST] wireless LAN traffic sniffing

From: Torgeir Hansen (tha@SECURE-GROUP.COM)
Date: Tue May 01 2001 - 22:26:40 PDT

  • Next message: Torgeir Hansen: "Re: [PEN-TEST] Replaying arbitrary packets"

    Rijndal Groeber wrote:
    > I currently own a 3com 3crwe737a pcmcia card.
    > True, the windows drivers which come with it appear to ignore promiscous
    > mode, but the linux driver (for Symbol Spectrum 24t - which is identical)
    > has no problem with it.
    > By promiscous, as I was able to test it, I understand the ability to sniff
    > pachets directed to other nodes of the wireless network... I was never
    > able to capture ANY traffic before I got associated to an AP.
    > If you mean something else, _please_ tell me.
    I'm pretty sure (99.8%) I've sniffed traffic from one client to the AP
    without being associated to it, once i used this to actually get onto
    someone's network - their security-measure was just to require the AP's SSID,
    that did not get broadcasted - but i got it in cleartext when they booted up
    a computer with wlan, defined my card to use that AP and voila i was in..
    (NOTE: this spesific incident was work, I did nothing illegal;)
    As far as i know, most of (all?) the linux-drivers for wlan support
    promiscous mode, at least pcmcia-cs package drivers..
    btw, was there much tweaking to get the 3com card working? And did you get
    WEP working on it? I'm currently using a AirWay (seem's to be a D-Link card
    with another sticker) card, that i can't get working with wep - and i haven't
    gotten a cisco 340 card working either :(
    (and the ValueSystems ( or something) driver doesen't
    compile, and when it does - it doesen't work properly, neither the prism-I or
    the prism-II driver - dlink is prismI-based) :-(

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