Hi A while back antirez, in a post to Bugtraq, detailed a new Tcp portscan method. This method allows one to portscan a host, using spoofed packets, while remaining totally invisible to the scanned host < almost as if u had a 6th sense ;) >. The details of the scan (almost totally stolen from antirez's original post) works as follows... (A) When an open tcp port recieves a SYN, it replies with a SYN|ACK When a closed tcp port recieves a SYN, it replies with a RST|ACK (B) When a host recieves an unknown SYN|ACK, it replies with a RST When a host recieves an unknown RST, it replies with nothing (C) You can tell the number of packets a host is sending by reading the ID value in the ip header What this means.... We send 4 packets to our dummy host, to port 0, with no tcp flags set, and make a note of the incoming ip id's *************************************** Scanning Dumb Host (for Dumbness) 33144 33145 33146 33147 *************************************** If the incoming id's do not show a consistant increase, the host is not dumb enough to suit our purposes, and the scan aborts. If the incoming id's show a constant single increment, then it is safe to assume that the dummy host is not ac tively talking/communicating to any other host (at this point in time) We then send a spoofed packet (SYN) to our target host, on our target port, on behalf of our Dummy. *************************************** We Have a consistant 1 increment host *** Injecting Spoofed Packet *** *************************************** and once more track the incoming ip id's *************************************** 33148 33150 33152 33156 *************************************** Now, if the target port was closed, it would have replied with a RST, <as mentioned in (A) earlier> and our Dummy would have responded with nothing <as mentioned in B> But, if the target port was open, it would have replied with a SYN|ACK (A), causing our Dummy to reply with a RST. Dummy's ip id count, will now increase, as it has been forced into conversation with Target. *************************************** *** Yup looks like 22 is open on 196.10.XXX.38 *** *************************************** As mentioned before, all credit to antirez, for his initial discovery of the scan... SixthSense.pl just automates (what still is) a tedious process.. (transparent proxies etc, will have an effect on scan results) The possibilities of remote OS detection as mentined by Ofir Arkin, may be added later.. (SixthSense requires Net::RawIP, run ==> perl -MCPAN -e shell ==> install Net::RawIP ) Haroon Meer +27 837866637 haroonat_private http://www.sensepost.com
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