Sgdynamo.exe Script -- Path Disclosure

From: Ruso, Anthony (arusoat_private)
Date: Wed May 16 2001 - 08:55:32 PDT

  • Next message: Sean Knox: "TCP/IP test tools"

    I contacted Microsoft and they had no idea.
    Either way: 
    Sgdynamo.exe is a script that sits in your cgi-bin/scripts directory. 
    It expects a HTNAME identifier like so
    Surprisingly enough if you throw it a bogus HTNAME identifier is discloses a
    path to "I don't know where" but it's enough to tell you if it's a Microsoft
    OS or Not.
    Has anyone heard of this?
    To test it out click below and take your pick.
    I've searched previous post for the file and didn't find anything at all. 
    Any leads would be great !
    Anthony Ruso

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