I contacted Microsoft and they had no idea. Either way: Sgdynamo.exe is a script that sits in your cgi-bin/scripts directory. It expects a HTNAME identifier like so http://www.yourcompany.com/cgi-bin/sgdynamo.exe?HTNAME=default.htm Surprisingly enough if you throw it a bogus HTNAME identifier is discloses a path to "I don't know where" but it's enough to tell you if it's a Microsoft OS or Not. http://www.yourcompany.com/cgi-bin/sgdynamo.exe?HTNAME=bogus.htm Has anyone heard of this? To test it out click below and take your pick. http://www.google.com/search?q=sgdynamo.exe&btnG=Google+Search I've searched previous post for the file and didn't find anything at all. Any leads would be great ! Later Anthony Ruso
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