IIS again.

From: dilbert96at_private
Date: Fri May 18 2001 - 01:59:27 PDT

  • Next message: H Carvey: "Re: Access a remote registry"

    Hello all,
    I know there are many of these already around but here is a program I wrote 
    for the Unicode vulnerability which works for the IIS double-parse vulnerability. 
    The program simulates an interactive command prompt and allows switching 
    to and from cmd.exe interactively. The ZIP contains two files iisenc.pl 
    and exploits.txt which contains the GET strings etc. To add further strings 
    the format is:
    GET /STRING  tab  WhatIsExpectedInReturn tab  Comments
    Gary O'leary-Steele
    P.S Anyone know where I can get a PPTP sniffer for Windows NT?
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