On Wed, 23 May 2001, Mika Laaksonen wrote: > Do you have any other good advice? ibm has a linux (x86) version of DB2 available. go to www.ibm.com/linux and poke around. i had mine shipped to me eons ago .. works like a champ. other than that, read the copious documentation, redbooks and such, from IBM. then start playting. is there a web interface? what ports, authentgication methods, etc .. go wild. research, learn, hack. simple as that. ok, maybe not so simple. don't ask me, though, for specific info. i'm not a database guy, i just have the cd. ____________________________ jose nazario joseat_private PGP: 89 B0 81 DA 5B FD 7E 00 99 C3 B2 CD 48 A0 07 80 PGP key ID 0xFD37F4E5 (pgp.mit.edu)
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