Re: Tool for source routing

From: Marius Huse Jacobsen (mahujaat_private)
Date: Thu Jun 07 2001 - 07:11:28 PDT

  • Next message: Paulo Braga: "oracle tool"

    > > That is, it should replace the source addr with a spoofed one, and add the
    > > real one as a source route.
    > That implies that you're trying to spoof your source address, and get the
    > victim machine to source-route back [to|through] the real attacker IP.
    > It doesn't work that way.  Only the originator of a packet gets to specify
    > that source routing is on.  I know of no way to force a victim to use
    > source routing.
    I believe at least some platforms place source routing opposite to the one
    used in the original packet. Which means they will more or less reverse the
    path taken by the original (attacker) packet.

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