Re: Pipeupsam Usage

From: Tamas Foldi (crowat_private)
Date: Sun Jun 10 2001 - 03:07:21 PDT

  • Next message: ian.vitekat_private: "Re: Tool for source routing"

    On Fri, 8 Jun 2001, Adams, Mark wrote:
    > I am currently trying out pipeupsam.exe and pipeupadmin.exe on a W2K / IIS5
    > box.  It appears that both programs try to utilize the Clipbook service in
    > order to perform their respective actions, but they only work if I manually
    > start the service on the web server.  I have a remote netcat command shell
    > on the web server and am trying to elevate my rights using these tools, but
    > I am trying to figure out how I can do it.  If the Clipbook service is not
    > started then I get an error saying so and it hangs; if the Clipbook service
    > is started then I get an "Access Denied" message and it hangs.  Any ideas?
    	An exploit has been relased recently on the hungarian security-l,
    which can get SYSTEM privileges on Win2K AdvSrv (work with all sp). This
    exploit based on Maceo's named pipe escalation attack method, but its more
    usefull. I don't know if it is relased yet (or it is privite code).
    	I use this exploit many times in many projects, and always workd
    	If you really want, I can revise it.
    Best Regards,
    Tamas Foldi
    Penetration Tester
    . . _ __ ______________________________________________________ __ _ . .
    Foldi Tamas - We Are The Hashmark In The Rootshell - Security Consultant
       crowat_private - PGP: finger://crowat_private - (+3630) 221-7477

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