Offline NT/2000 Registry & Password Editor

From: Hostfarm Security (security.listsat_private)
Date: Mon Jun 11 2001 - 05:42:43 PDT

  • Next message: Parth Galen: "Re: Win2k Permissions bug"

    Anyone else use this utility instead of trying to lookup the passwords with
    I had to use it when one of our users removed himself from the domain and
    didn't remember any of the local system passwords. I used this bootdisk to
    mount the NTFS partition, and it gave me a list of the local users. It gave
    me a list of local accounts and allowed me to change the Administrator
    account. When I rebooted the machine, everything worked fine. So far, I've
    tried it on 1 Win2k box and 2 WinNT boxes without problems.

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