Re: Voice over IP

From: Desmond Irvine (desmond.irvineat_private)
Date: Fri Jun 15 2001 - 07:04:32 PDT

  • Next message: Gary Warner: "Re: finding webroot on IIS"

    Ryan Russell wrote:
    > On Thu, 14 Jun 2001, Young, Brandon wrote:
    > >
    > > A couple of colleagues and I are working on a security audit for a
    > > VOIP system. Anyone know of any exploits and vulnerabilities that may
    > > exist with Cisco's call manager?
    > The last time I spoke with Cisco about this, the call manager was
    > basically an embedded NT box.  They would ship you an image, and you
    > weren't supposed to modify it yourself.  You can take this to mean that
    > any NT exploits won't be patched in a timely manner.  It's been a year or
    > two, so this may have changed.
    The image is Windows 2000 running IIS 5 and SQL Server 7 (I think).  The
    last image that I looked at was at least 1 year out of date with regard
    to hotfixes and Cisco's stance as of a couple of weeks ago was still not
    to modify it.  The Unicode vulnerabilities all run quite well on the box
    thanks to this stance and the lack of timely patches from Cisco.  The
    IIS server has both a user and administrator interface that requires
    authentication which since the server isn't configured for HTTPS can be
    sniffed, etc., etc.  
    Desmond Irvine                Security Analyst, Information Technology
    Sheridan College              Phone: 905-845-9430 x2035
    1430 Trafalgar Road           Fax: 905-815-4011
    Oakville, ON  L6H 2L1         EMail: desmond.irvineat_private

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