RE: Linksys Pen Test

From: Mark Curphey (markat_private)
Date: Tue Jun 19 2001 - 18:45:19 PDT

  • Next message: Eugene Tsyrklevich: "Re: IP forwarding"

    Out if the box they have a web interface enabled on (obviously
    limited use from the net) to allow remote administration. It uses basic HTTP
    authentication with a default username and password that is in the user
    manual (page 17). Leave the username blank and admin for the password. If
    that's been changed but the web admin interface is still open, a simple perl
    script using libwww, elza or even might be useful to brute
    force if they have changed the pw.
    -----Original Message-----
    From: IUSR_MAIL [mailto:iusrat_private]
    Sent: Tuesday, June 19, 2001 11:14 AM
    To: PEN-TESTat_private
    Subject: Linksys Pen Test
    Wonderin if someone could help by giving me some tips on Pen Testing a
    box.  Unfortunately, I have not had the pleasure of working with one and I
    unfamiliar with the config, vulnerabilities, etc.  Any info on things I
    look for, tools to use, or helpful links would be greatly appreciated!
    Thanks in advance {t?t}!!
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