ida.dll and idq.dll ?

From: cdowns (cdownsat_private)
Date: Tue Jun 26 2001 - 07:26:21 PDT

  • Next message: Aaron C. Newman: "RE: Pen Testing a Oracle database. How to pull data?"

    well, i installed M$ little patch ( ref: ) and it
    blew out my index server meaning -> did not function anymore. so as i
    investigated i noticed that the creation date of idq.dll was changed and
    permissions of group everyone (full control) was gone. it was asking for
    authentication via search. has anyone else experienced this ? just
    curious, ive got it back up and running but it was a pain and im pretty
    damn sure that the security patch is now VOID.
        Christopher M Downs
    Network Security Administrator
       Skillsoft Corporation
    "Micro$oft typed backwards
          spells "c:\duh /?"

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