RE: SAM file editing

From: Pybus, David (
Date: Tue Jun 26 2001 - 01:06:29 PDT

  • Next message: cdowns: "ida.dll and idq.dll ?"

    You shouldn't even need to decrypt the hash. With an appropriately written
    utility it should be possible to replay the hash to gain access. This is
    because the authentication is based purely on the hash and not on the
    David Pybus
    -----Original Message-----
    From: SMILER [mailto:smilerat_private]
    Sent: 25 June 2001 14:57
    To: pen-testat_private
    Subject: Re: SAM file editing
    The problem is not that Ms auth does not check the domain, the fact is that
    MS allways send your current password when accessing a new resource that
    needs authentication.
    This is considered a "feature" because it allows u to login into many
    servers without authentication IF username/password in the server is equal
    to the one that u´re currently using.
    This kind of  "feature" allows a attack such as :
    "if u try to acess my machine, say by typing : \\my.ip.address\myshare$ ",
    your machine will send the HASH of your current password by default before
    querying u for a password. If your current password fails, then it will ask
    for auth. In this case I could capture your HASH and decrypt your pass and
    the user would not ever dream that your machine had sent the current
    password to my server.
    Keep Smiling
    ----- Original Message -----
    From: "Matthew Long" <matthew.longat_private>
    To: <pen-testat_private>
    Sent: Monday, June 25, 2001 9:05 AM
    Subject: RE: SAM file editing
    > Its not quite the same as "editing the SAM"
    > But,
    > Say you find the Domain Admin password is "abcdefgh"
    > And you login locally on your machine and set the local admin password to
    > "abcdefgh" as well.
    > Then when you try to access the network while logged in as the local
    > you may find that you can get domain level access because the MS
    > authentication doesn't seem to check the domain and just passes through
    > username and password.
    > I know this works for ipc$ shares but has anyone got any documentation on
    > any other exploitations of this.
    > -----Original Message-----
    > From: Russell, Pat [mailto:pat.russellat_private]
    > Sent: 22 June 2001 12:46
    > To:
    > Subject: SAM file editing
    > Is it possible to edit the SAM file in NT4.0 without using an external
    > program?  I have an incident where someone gave himself administrative
    > rights the domain but insists "all" he did was modify the SAM file on the
    > local machine.  This doesn't sound right but I am not sure.  Thanks for
    > help...
    > Pat Russell
    > Process Control & Automation Engineer
    > J&L Specialty Steel, Inc.
    > pat.russellat_private
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