RE: Pen Testing a Oracle database. How to pull data?

From: George Milliken (gmillikenat_private)
Date: Tue Jun 26 2001 - 08:53:39 PDT

  • Next message: Brown, Joel: "RE: An Amateur Pen-Test"

    Look for the oracle control file, it is a text based file (in Oracle 7) that
    has the paths to the data and index files in it.  CONFIG.ORA should also be
    -----Original Message-----
    From: Osvaldo J . Filho [mailto:osvaldojaneriat_private]
    Sent: Monday, June 25, 2001 3:21 PM
    To: pen-testat_private
    Subject: Pen Testing a Oracle database. How to pull data?
    	I am currently pen testing a DB server running Oracle. I already
    got root on it, and I would like a lil' help to gather info on human
    readable format. Is there a specific file/dir where all DB data are? How
    can I get/convert it to Human Readable or even edit the data without any
    external programs like SQLNet? The server is running AIX. Any help is
    	Thank you very much.
    	Osvaldo J. Filho
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